b'Overall Court PerformanceBy YearsThe Courts overall (All Survey Respondents;inmean scores) performance rating 4 is good. The Overall Court Performance average rating was 2.7 (out of 4).The average rating is 3 2.8 2.7 favorable; it is 2.5 2.5 2.5 above 2.5, which is the mid-point of the 2 4-point rating scale.The chart provides comparisons to the 1 previous years.2004 (n=143) 2008 (n=224) 2020 - Q3-4 (n=94) 2021 (n=159)Rating Scale for Overall Court Performance: 354 = Excellent; 3 = Good; 2=Fair; and 1 = Poor. Dont Know/Not sure was also a response option. Additional Findings:OCTC Attorneys and Counsel for Respondents/Applicants rated the Court significantly higher than SBC Respondents on overall performance. Overall satisfaction and court performance ratings in 2021 are favorable.OCTC attorneys and Attorneys for Respondents/Applicants rated the SBC highest on satisfaction and performance. Executive SummaryCourt User Surveys2021 (Quarters 1-4) 4'